Orthotics FAQs in White Bear Lake MN

If you check any of the below, tell your healthcare provider and ask him or her how custom-made Orthotics in White Bear Lake MN can help.
- Do you stand or walk on hard surfaces for more than 4 hours daily?
- Do you participate regularly in any physical sport (basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, etc.)?
- Are you age 40 or over?
- Have you had a prior injury to your knee, back, or neck?
- Do your shoes wear unevenly?
- Do you have joint pain while standing, walking, or running
- Is one of your legs shorter than the other?
- Do you have knock-knees or bow legs?
- Do you have obvious foot problems (bunions, corns, flat feet, etc)?
- Do your feet "Toe out" when you're walking?
The FAQs below can answer many general questions about Orthotics in White Bear Lake MN:
What are orthotics?
How are Orthotics made?
Why do I need Orthotics? What's wrong with a pair of those off-the-rack shoes inserts from my local drug store?
How do I know which style of Orthotics is right for my condition?
What do they do?
What are some of the most typical foot problems?
Since my feet don't hurt, I don't have any real problem with them - right?
7:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Wildwood Chiropractic Center
3580 Linden Ave
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
P: (651) 779-4263
F: (651) 779-4274